SPIRITUAL EYES"Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit." (Isa 31:3a) IN THE BEGINNING *And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, THEN YOUR EYES SHALL BE OPENED, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman SAW that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the EYES, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. (Gen 3:4-6) We note that the serpent said to the woman "then your eyes shall be opened." Do we conclude then that she was presently blind? No, because we read that she "saw that the tree was good for food" and "that it was pleasant to the eyes." She was obviously "seeing" with some type of vision. Let us go on to after the fall: *And the EYES of them both WERE OPENED, and they knew.... (Gen 3:7) Yes they were "seeing" before the fall, but their "eyes... were opened" after the fall. What does that mean? Well, they had spiritual eyes through v.6 and communed with God. In v.7 they fell from His Holy Presence, from the Most Holy Place, from communing with God, from seeing with spiritual eyes. They were thereafter separated from God. Sin separates from God. Sin stood between God and them. Sin is a barrier between God and man. Sin is opaque. There is no light in sin. As a consequence, their spiritual eyes were cut-off, closed, darkened, and their natural eyes "were opened." Now they could only communicate with God. Both ate of the tree. The woman did not believe God. Adam disobeyed God. "And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Tim 2:14). The woman was in the first transgression. Adam chose to disobey God. *And unto Adam he said, BECAUSE THOU HAST HARKENED UNTO the voice of thy wife, AND hast eaten of the tree.... (Gen 3:17) "Harkened unto" means that Adam chose to heed, submit to, bow the knee to the voice of his wife over the voice of God, for he was not deceived. Adam disobeyed God. The woman chose to heed, submit to, bow the knee to the voice of the serpent over the voice of God, for she was deceived. The woman did not believe God. THEIR EYES WERE DARKENED *Let their eyes be DARKENED that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. (Rom 11:10) *Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became VAIN in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was DARKENED. (Rom 1:21) *Having the understanding DARKENED, being ALIENATED from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the BLINDNESS of their heart. (Eph 4:18) THE LIGHT *For now we see through a glass, DARKLY; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. (I Cor 13:12) Adam and the woman fell from what we are attaining to. They had spiritual eyes, and fell to natural eyes. Their spiritual eyes were closed, darkened. It is into this fallen state that we are born. We are born fallen with natural eyes and our spiritual eyes are closed, darkened. When we are born again our spiritual sight is fully restored positionally by the grace of God, but only just barely opened experientially. We are newborn spiritual babies. Everything spiritual is blurred, fuzzy, and out of focus. As we are fed the Word and grow in the Lord we learn to center our focus on Him. Full positional spiritual sight is an immediate reality, whereas, full experiential spiritual sight is a becoming reality. FOCUS The Word of God is the body of Christ Jesus (John 1:14; Rev 19:13), literally. The word "single" is translated by the Holy Spirit in only one instance: Matthew 6:22 and the comparable passage in Luke 11:34. It was spoken by Jesus Christ and it means focused. If your eye is totally focused on Jesus Christ, who is the "light of the world" (John 8:12) then everything that enters into you will be Him. And you will be full of Him. Glory. When you are full of Him, you are like Him. Peter was full of Him: *And he [Jesus] said, COME. And when PETER was come down out of the ship, HE WALKED ON THE WATER, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. (Matt 14:29,30) Great prayer! Peter was full of Him when he walked on the water. Peter did and became Matthew 6:22. Peter was full of Him, temporarily, just as the disciples were in Acts 2. When Peter was full of Him, he was Like Him and walked on the water. Peter could have remained full of Him if he had not allowed the thorns of this world (Mark 4:18,19) to distract his focus. They pricked him! As he looked to the pricks he lost focus on Jesus Christ and became a double-minded man (James 1:6-8). However, when our present trials and tribulations are completed, we shall be forever Like Him: *For I reckon that the sufferings of this PRESENT TIME are NOT WORTHY to be compared with the GLORY which SHALL BE REVEALED IN US. (Rom 8:18) THE BLIND MAN Do you see what happened here? How many mistakes did Jesus Christ ever make? Was he not perfect? Yes! Therefore, this was no mistake, it was intentional. He gave the man spiritual eyes and then restored him to natural eyes. He gave the man spiritual eyes positionally, just as the angel of the Lord named Gideon "thou mighty man of valour" positionally. Then Jesus Christ restored the man to his natural experiential state that he would grow into his already attained positional state. By doing this, Jesus also blessed us with a preview of spiritual sight. MEN AS TREES *For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. (Psalm 90:4) *But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that ONE DAY is with the Lord as a THOUSAND YEARS, and a THOUSAND YEARS AS ONE DAY. (II Pet 3:8) A POSSIBILITY Now consider, if you will, a tree. Trees grow slow. They move slow. Very slow. Did you ever go out into a forest with some friends to watch a tree grow? Take your lunch. According to our time-frame trees move slower than snails, much slower. According to the spirit world's time-frame, we move like trees. Chronological time is not the same as spiritual time. Some people can be saved and become a High Priest with the Lord in three days, as did Gideon. Others may take thirty years to arrive at that same office. Still others may take a life-time and never make it close to that office. Some children of God remain babes forever, some become young men, and some become fathers (I John 2:12-14). When we ask a Brother how long he has been saved, we are being carnal. We are conforming (Rom 12:2) a spiritual occurrence into natural light. Conforming the light to darkness. CITY OF DAVID *And the king and his men went to Jerusalem unto the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land: which spake unto David, saying, Except thou take away the blind and the lame, thou shalt not come in hither: THINKING, David cannot come in hither. NEVERTHELESS David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David. And David said on that day, Whosoever getteth up to the gutter [the water supply trough channeled through the rock], and smiteth the Jebusites, and the lame and the blind [of the Jebusites which they taunt us with], that are hated of David's soul [for the taunting], he shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they said, THE BLIND AND THE LAME SHALL NOT COME INTO THE HOUSE. So David dwelt in the fort, and called it the city of David. And David built round about from Millo and inward. (II Sam 5:6-9) "The blind and the lame shall not come into the house" of the Lord. We are informed that this phrase became a proverb with the people of Israel after the taking of Zion. Does it mean that God won't allow the blind and lame into Heaven? Yes. Sure does. Why? Because we are all born blind and lame. Those willing to receive Jesus Christ as Lord will be saved, healed (Isa 33:24), and restored to whole! Those unwilling will remain spiritually blind and spiritually lame: devoid of sight and crippled in their walk and work. LAME FROM THE WOMB *Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but SUCH AS I HAVE GIVE I THEE: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took him by the RIGHT HAND, and LIFTED HIM UP: and IMMEDIATELY his feet and ankle bones RECEIVED strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and ENTERED with them INTO THE TEMPLE, walking, and leaping, and PRAISING GOD. (Acts 3:6-9) THE EARNEST *BE YE THEREFORE PERFECT, even as your Father which is in heaven is PERFECT. (Matt 5:48) HEALING Our spirit is yielded to and in compliance with the Holy Spirit. There is no separation between Holy Spirit and spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in the house of our spirit (I Cor 3:16; 6:19). This is an intimate knowing relationship. This is husband and wife. This is the "them" of Genesis 1:27,28. When a healing activity occurs, we are immediately and perfectly and fully healed positionally which means spiritually. That positional spiritual healing is affected by the Holy Spirit who communes with our spirit, Light to light. To commune is to co-operate and to share. To commune is to love. Sin dwells in the soul. Our soul is in rebellion to the Holy Spirit. There is separation between spirit and soul (Heb 4:12). The Holy Spirit never directly interacts with sin. He cannot, for He is God's Spirit. Experiential healing is affected by the Holy Spirit who communes with our spirit who in turn communicates to our soul, light to darkness. Our soul in turn issues orders, as in commands to our body. The presence of strongholds of sin which are rebellion block, obstruct, hinder, and otherwise interfere with the perfect immediate healing of the Holy Spirit. Full experiential healing is therefore not immediate. The spirit hears and receives "a still small voice" (I Kings 19:12) and converts that into a code in the form of a suggestion and transmits it to the soul. The spirit does not control the soul. The soul is willing to receive suggestions but is not willing to receive commands. The soul then selects a suggestion that it is willing to comply with and converts that into a code in the form of a command and issues that to the body. The soul controls the body. The body follows the command. It is thoughtless. It is a vehicle in which the soul rides and drives. The spirit is a passenger. Most men drive while the wife gives suggestions as "how to" drive from the passenger seat. At the beginning of the millennia when we have been purged from all sin and are full of Him, this healing activity will immediately occur both positionally and experientially exactly as the prophetic example given us in Acts 3:5-9. The lame man was completely and immediately healed spiritually and physically: he "immediately...received strength" to his body "leaping up," and spiritually "entered with them into the temple...praising God." Hallelujah! Please note that the lame man was healed and delivered all at the same time. He was made whole. When we now receive salvation, we are fully healed and delivered at the same moment positionally. The experiential reality lags behind the positional reality. We have learned that there are no blind, or lame in the house of God (II Sam 5:8). Neither are there demonically inhabited saints in the house of God. FAITH WHAT YOU DO GET NOW *For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of STRONG HOLDS; CASTING down IMAGINATIONS, and every high thing that exalteth itself AGAINST the knowledge of God, and, BRINGING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERY THOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST. (II Cor 10:3-5) What weapons do we use in this warfare? "The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Eph 6:17). Each Word of God is a spiritual weapon, a Sword of the Lord. These are the only weapons a Christian can and will ever employ. Where, do you suppose, does all this spiritual warfare take place? Well, the Apostle Paul speaks of "imaginations" and the "knowledge of God" and "every thought" in connection with this warfare. Those three things have in common that they exist in the mind. Whose mind? My mind, and, your mind. The battleground of spiritual warfare is in our mind, for our mind. God's objective in this war is to fulfill us, to fill us with Himself. Satan's objective in this war is to destroy us, to stop us from being filled with God. The strategy necessary for the saints to win this war is for them to bring "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." OBEDIENT SOLDIERS *And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word [rhema] of God: PRAYING ALWAYS with ALL PRAYER AND SUPPLICATION in the Spirit, and WATCHING thereunto with ALL PERSEVERANCE AND SUPPLICATION for all saints. (Eph 6:17,18) That is, we stand watching always in worshipful prayer, earnestly and persistently praying and petitioning for all saints continually. Prayer, supplication, and perseverance are experiential actions. We experience them as we do them. They are supportive actions. They are obedient actions. These actions that we do, place us experientially in compliance with the Holy Spirit. Our obedience to Him experientially allows the Holy Spirit to perform His perfect work in us. End of strong hold. Our Lord God has reclaimed the land. We win! That is why "to obey is better than sacrifice." (I Sam 15:22). TITHING IS OBEDIENCE *And he said unto them, TAKE HEED, and BEWARE of COVETOUSNESS: for a man's LIFE CONSISTETH NOT in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. (Luke 12:15) *If ye then be NOT ABLE to do that thing which is LEAST, why take ye thought for the rest? (Luke 12:26) *He that is FAITHFUL in that which is LEAST is FAITHFUL also IN MUCH: and he that is unjust in THE LEAST IS unjust also in MUCH. (Luke 16:10) OFFERINGS SHEEP AND SHEPHERDS *But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To HIM the porter [door guard] openeth; and the sheep HEAR HIS VOICE; and he calleth his own sheep by name, and LEADETH them out. And when he puteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep FOLLOW HIM: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they NOT FOLLOW, but will FLEE FROM HIM: for they know not the voice of strangers. (John 10:2-5) Sheep walk by sight and faith. They follow the shepherd. The sheep are called by his voice. They hear his voice. They recognize his voice. They recognize their name. They recognize his voice saying their name. This is Spirit in spirit to soul. The voice is invisible. They respond. This is faith. The sheep see the shepherd and follow him by sight. If they stray out of sight of the flock and lose sight of the shepherd and do not hear the shepherd, they are lost. They trust the sight and the voice of the shepherd. They follow the shepherd and the voice. This is sight and faith. Shepherds walk by faith. They are undershepherds. They follow the voice. The shepherds are called by his voice. They hear his voice. They recognize his voice. They recognize their name. They recognize his voice saying their name. This is Spirit to spirit. The voice is invisible. They respond. This is faith. The shepherd hears the voice and follows it by faith. He hears the voice that speaks of a lush green pasture in a valley half a day journey to the northeast, of a quietly flowing brook to the east of the valley, of a sheepfold in the rocks to the north. He trusts the voice. He follows the voice. This is faith. SATAN Satan was not given dominion over positional reality. He was given dominion over experiential reality. His power affects all the experiential reality of this world. It is because of his opposition to God's Will that experiential reality lags far behind the already accomplished positional reality. Satan opposes and inhibits God's Will in us with his army of demons. They occupy the strong holds of our mind. Therefore, our present experiential reality is a becoming reality. Satan has limitations. He is a spirit. He is not God. He is not omniscient. He is not omnipotent. He is not omnipresent. It is his lack of omnipresence that we shall discuss. Satan cannot be inside everyone at once. He can only be inside one person at a time. However, he does have an enormous army of fallen angels called demons who are also spirits able to enter in. Satan's army is counted as the third part of the angels of Heaven, an innumerable host. These are Satan's soldiers. These fallen angels are the ones that enter into us and inhabit us as our sins give them a "place" to dwell. We call those places in our mind, strong holds. This is the enemy army that invades and occupies the land. FLEAS THE GREAT COMMISSION Verses 15 and 16 are the Great Commission. They are what we are commissioned to do. Verses 17 and 18 are the five signs, i.e. immediately observable results of verses 15 and 16 that could be experientially seen at that time. Why do we say "at that time?" Because immediately after Acts 2, the disciples were full of Him and were distributing a fullness of Him to the new convert, however, to an ever lessening degree just as a full glass of water diminishes with each sip given. The original disciples had great capacity. Peter, James and John had greater capacity than the other disciples (Luke 5:4,10; Matt 17:2; Mark 14:32,33). A full of Him convert is immediately full of Him both positionally and experientially. Even a drop of water may be fullness to a very small vessel, one with little capacity. As the fullness of the glass continued to diminish with each sip given, Satan maintained his unrelenting pressure. The experiential reality began to lag increasingly behind the always fully accomplished positional reality. As the water of that particular filling of the Holy Spirit diminished in the glass, the atmospheric air pressure (Eph 2:2) filled the glass with Satan. This world is being rapidly filled by Satan. That too shall end. MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SIGNS *Therefore the SHOWERS have been WITHHOLDEN, and there hath been NO LATTER RAIN; and thou hast a whore's forehead, THOU REFUSEDST TO BE ASHAMED. (Jer 3:3) We therefore cannot successfully exercise immediate physical powers that are in opposition to the god of this world who has experiential dominion. However, every one of these signs has a spiritual dimension in which we can exercise full immediate power. CASTING OUT DEVILS When the Holy Spirit enters in, all the demonic strong holds within the boundaries of the relinquished property are immediately cast out. The pivotal action occurs when the man asks for forgiveness. This is the break in the armour. This is a humble little bit of self-sacrifice: the sacrifice of a tiny piece of pride. To ask is to submit, to bow the knee. Praise God. The Holy Spirit is invited into the habitation of darkness, fleas, demons, devils, and somebody has to leave to make room for the Light. Darkness flees from the Light. Light a candle in a dark room and see experientially for yourself. Every time a man receives salvation, demons are cast out by the Holy spirit. However (the hammer), not all the demons are cast out. Please note in that dark room that you (obediently) lit with a candle, that it did not become completely light, full of light (Matt 6:22). Every saved saint is walking around with demons inside him. What else? Otherwise we would be a finished work experientially full of Him, as well as positionally and therefore perfect like Him. No sin, no sickness, and no demons. Perfect. These thorns and internal fleas (Mark 4:18,19) enter into and distract us and divert our focus from the finished work, Jesus Christ. Fleas perform the exact same function as thorns. Whenever we are bitten or pierced, we look to them. CONTINUING THE BAD NEWS FEAR NOT WHAT IS TO FEAR? Seems to me that we ought to be looking down for him, rather than up to him. But, you see, he magnifies himself. Once he has "place" in the sin in us, he magnifies himself through fear. Fear is the magnifying glass. Fear is a magnifier. We look through it to the world. The more we have fear of him, the larger he appears. The larger he appears, the more fear we have of him, etc., etc., etc. Fear is a circular snare. He is on his belly, in the dust. God spoke it. I believe it. He is "as a roaring lion" (I Pet 5:8). "As" means that he appears like a roaring lion. It does not mean that he is a roaring lion. This is indeed a grand deception. WE ARE DECEIVED INTO MAGNIFYING THEM *And ALL THE MEN OF ISRAEL, when they SAW the man [Goliath], fled from him, and were sore AFRAID. (I Sam 17:24) *And when the Philistine [Goliath] LOOKED about, and SAW David, he disdained him.... (I Sam 17:42) *And when the Philistines SAW their champion was dead, they fled. (I Sam 17:51b) *And when Saul SAW David go forth against the Philistine, he said unto Abner.... (I Sam 17:55) All the men of Israel saw, Goliath saw, the Philistines saw, and Saul saw. These all walked by sight and not by faith. David never "saw," he believed: he walked by faith, not by sight. David walked with his focus on what he believed, the positional realm, God's realm. God's realm has authority over and is higher than the experiential realm because it created and includes the experiential realm. Everyone else walked with their focus on what they saw, the lower realm, the experiential realm, the realm in which Satan has temporary limited dominion. There are some things that God just won't allow Satan to do (Job 2:6), else we all would be immediately destroyed. Goliath is a type and shadow of antichrist. Antichrist is corporate just as we are corporate. He is like a leopard, has the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion and Satan's power and seat and great authority (Rev 13:2). Goliath was magnified by those who walked by sight as they looked at him through the magnifier of fear. They believed what they saw. The body of antichrist is now being magnified through that same magnifier. PRIDE *Thy POMP [Heb: arrogance, excellency, majesty, pomp, pride, proud, swelling] is BROUGHT DOWN to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. How art thou FALLEN from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou CUT DOWN to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (Isa 14:11,12) He swelled himself up in pride. He puffed himself up. He and his demonic host puff themselves up in our minds through fear. Fear is a distraction. Seven times Jesus taught for us to "fear not." Why don't we believe Jesus? Because we walk by sight and not by faith. *For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING THEMSELVES into the apostles of Christ. And NO MARVEL; for Satan himself is TRANSFORMED INTO AN ANGEL OF LIGHT. Therefore it is NO GREAT THING if his ministers also be TRANSFORMED as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (II Cor 11:13-15) They are deceivers. Satan and his ministers can appear to be angels of light to our sight. If we walk by sight and not by faith, we shall be deceived. "The woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes." (Gen 3:6). Satan's demonic host now minister their puffed up "good" and "pleasant" doctrine in Christian churches throughout this world, till the whole be leavened (Matt 13:33). LEAVEN *Then Jesus said unto them, Take HEED and BEWARE of the LEAVEN of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the DOCTRINE of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. (Matt 16:6,12) *And he charged them, saying, Take HEED, BEWARE of the LEAVEN of the Pharisees, and of the LEAVEN of Herod. (Mark 8:15) *BEWARE YE the LEAVEN of the Pharisees, which is HYPOCRISY [Gr: acting, deceit]. (Luke 12:1b) The Pharisees were a dominant Jewish religious group at the time of Jesus. They were anti-Roman. They believed in the Old Testament writings and the legal validity of traditional oral commentaries by venerated men. They believed and espoused the doctrines and traditions of men. The Pharisees were self-righteous and hypocritical. The Sadducees were another Jewish religious group. They were pro-Roman sympathizers. The Sadducees denied the authority of oral tradition, the resurrection of the dead, and the existence of angels. The Herodians were an influential Jewish political group of Roman sympathizers. *Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto LEAVEN, which a woman took, and HID in THREE MEASURES OF MEAL, till the WHOLE WAS LEAVENED. (Matt 13:33) Pride is hidden in the foundation of a leavened house. The meal is the pure Word of God. The three measures are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The woman "took" of the leaven as she "took of the fruit" (Gen 3:6). "Hid" is deception. The woman is deceived into deceiving. The woman was originally deceived, is still deceived, and will continue to be deceived. She walks by sight. The woman is an unknowing agent of Satan. The leavening process will continue until the whole Word of God is completely leavened. The church is a great tree. She is the "greatest among herbs" and has lots and lots and lots of birds lodging "in the branches thereof." (Matt 13:32). *And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, that ye be not PARTAKERS OF HER SINS, and that ye RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES. For HER SINS have reached unto heaven, and God hath REMEMBERED HER INIQUITIES. (Rev 18:4,5) Amen
Copyright© 1993 by Rev. Lionel Cabral |