The End Cometh

2016 - 2017

06-26-16  There was Light, and the darkness comprehended it not

07-03-16  Prepare yourself for the 3rd and final baptism: That of Fire

07-10-16  My burden is Light

07-17-16  Come, the Wedding is ready.  Are you?

07-24-16  Prophecy about the end of this AGE (Pt 1)

07-31-16  The First Part of the 7 Year Tribulation

09-25-16  Are you ready? The Day of the LORD is coming very soon

10-02-16  The "Pattern" of the coming Day of the LORD

10-09-16  Those who have been Resurrected...

10-16-16  The Time is at hand

10-23-16  Wild man, Fallen angels and Jesus

10-30-16  The Millennium Begins With...

11-06-16  The Profile and Prophecy of the Church

11-13-16  The Seven Seals Revealed
11-20-16  Rise and Measure
11-27-16  We are pregnant with The Word of God
12-04-16  The first admonition in preparation: To receive Jesus Christ
12-11-16  The second admonition in preparation: Filling our vessels with Him (Serve Me)
12-18-16  The Third admonition in preparation: The sheep, the goats and the Judgement (Serve my People)
12-25-16  I bring you Good tidings of great Joy: Good Will Toward Men
01-01-17  Jesus teached the way to Heaven...
01-08-17  Overcomers, and those who are not
01-15-17  Evil giants live openly among us, and lead (donimate) us
01-22-17  In the beginning God planted...
01-29-17  The present reality of the "Parable of the Tares"
02-05-17  "Gooder" wine: The big picture miracle
02-12-17  The Word of God, the twoedged Sword of the Lord: Herein Presented Rhema/Logos
02-19-17  A Love Story (the bundle of life)
02-26-17  They hated Me without cause...
03-05-17  Prophecy is rapidly fulfilled in front of your face
03-12-17  Know ye not this parable?
03-19-17  On being a good soldier for Jesus Christ
04-23-17  God is now sending the unsaved strong delusion
04-30-17  Believers comprise two independent armies of God
05-14-17  Details of the Rapture (A State of Mind)
05-21-17  A thorough warning: Remember Lot's Wife
05-28-17  Come out of her, My People
06-04-17  Sacrifice Withheld
06-11-17  The most direct manifestion of the Rapture / translation
06-18-17  About our Eternal Salvation and the prophecy: a Mighty famine
06-25-17  The wild man of Gad (that's most of us), and the swine (that's them)
07-02-17  #2 The wild man of Gad (that's most of us), and the swine (that's them)
07-09-17  #3 The wild man of Gad (that's most of us), and the swine (that's them)
07-16-17  #4 The wild man of Gad (that's most of us), and the swine (that's them)
07-23-17  #5 The wild man of Gad (that's most of us), and the swine (that's them)
07-30-17  #6 The wild man of Gad (that's most of us), and the swine (that's them)
08-06-17  God Speak Versus Devil Speak Understanding God's Word
08-27-17  Know Ye Not that we shall Judge Angels
09-03-17  Yep, We are all Fallen Angels... The Bible tells me so

10-01-17  Goliath is the Beast, The Corporate Antichrist

10-08-17  The Christ Generation and Their Sign
10-15-17  There are only two kinds of folks: Who are you?
10-22-17  Are you Chosen by Jesus Christ to be a Soldier in the Army of God?
10-29-17  The symbolic picture of our Salvation
11-05-17  Are you plugged in, ecstatic, or just plain dead wood?
11-12-17  Prophecy: Saints are being raptured now
11-19-17  The promise of happiness is on the pathway of happy thinking
11-26-17  The beginning of the Miracles of Jesus Christ; the opening book
12-03-17  The Red Sea Prophecy
12-10-17  The Marriage Prophecy
12-17-17  The six waterpots prophecy, or, the Well of Living Waters

 12-24-17  And this shall be a sign unto you...

 12-31-17  The beginning of Miracles Prophecy