12-06-20 This message may be viewed live streaming video at and today Sunday at 11:00 am, and repeated 24/7 thereafter. The video, audio, and study notes are archived.

God is Thought. Thought is the source of all power; only Thought creates. Angels are the fruit of God’s Thoughts; you are the fruit of God’s Thoughts. The brightness (glory) of our revelations (our corrected now holy Thoughts of God) depends upon the correctness of our doctrines, our building blocks. Our Godly Thoughts are laid one upon another like the rungs (stairs) of a Jacob’s ladder, ascending into the mind of Christ. Angels are the Thoughts of God created as Spirits. You and I each are a corrupted thought (spirit) of God, a criminal temporarily confined (imprisoned) in a human body. We all are fallen angels, but a willing few of us are being restored, reinstated, repaired, reconditioned back into Heaven and fellowship with Father God.


archetype: Dict. = 1. the original pattern, or model, from which all other things of the same kind are made; prototype. 2. a perfect example of a type or group.

1.    Sodom = Heb: to scorch; burnt (volcanic or bituminous), a place near the Dead Sea.

a.     (1 Tim 4:1,2) Now the Spirit speaketh expressly [Gk: out spokenly, distinctly], that in the latter times [i.e., now] some shall depart [Gk: remove, revolt; desert: withdraw self] from the faith, giving heed [Gk: paying attention, adhering to: having regard] to seducing [Gk: roving (as a tramp); an imposter or misleader: deceiving] spirits [Gk: angels], and doctrines [Gk: teachings] of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy [Gk: under a feigned part, deceitfully: dissimulation] [actors]; having their conscience [Gk: moral consciousness] seared with a hot iron [Gk: to brand (“cauterize”), to render insensitive /// set of fire, consumed: burned];

b.    Commentary: Sodom is the archetype of false doctrines.

2.    Gomorrah = Heb: a (ruined) heap /// gather grain: bind sheaves, make merchandise of. [business]

a.     Commentary: Gomorrah is the archetype of false works.



(Gen 19:1) And there came two angels [i.e., two witnesses] to Sodom [1] at even; and Lot sat in the gate [the chief place of city business and thus the “throne” of status and prestige] of Sodom: and Lot [“that righteous man” 2 Pet 2:8] seeing [Heb: discerning] them [the two men as angels] rose up to meet them [rather than remaining seated in state on his “throne”]; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground [symbolizing deep reverence and subjection. ref. where Abraham also “bowed himself toward the ground” before “three men” (Gen 18:1,2) who he recognized as angels. Abraham, Lot, Daniel, and John saw men who were revealed to be angels; see Heb 13:2 then see Gen 18:1,2; 19:1, Dan 9:21; Rev 19:9,10; 22:8,9]

1.    Commentary: “Sodom” = is an exceedingly prophetic city (representing the world) of notorious lawbreakers (Gen 18:20), infamous in particular for homosexuality (“the men of the city…both old and young” Gen 19:4, and Lot’s two “sons in law” Gen 19:14) and lesbianism (Lot’s wife – the untold story). Both of those ungodly activities ultimately result in eternal death whereas Father God is eternal life. The acts of homosexuality and lesbianism are also parallel in their evil purpose to abortion which achieves the primary Satanic desire to destroy the Christ-child before He may appear and therefore reign (as He reigns as our Lord in you and I, even now). The evil purpose of abortion was initiated by Pharoah in Exo 1:8-16, visited once again by King Harod in Matt 2:16, and finally displayed by the dragon in Rev 12:4.

a.     (Rev 12:4) And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven [i.e., angels, one third of the innocent angels became fallen angels, they became you and I], and did cast them to the earth [i.e., in the earth (dust) of us]: and the dragon [Lucifer-Satan] stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered [Gk: to produce: bear, be born, bring forth] [Judg 7:16-18], for to devour [Gk: to eat down] her child as soon as it was born.



(2 Pet 2:7,8) And [God] delivered [Gk: rescued] just [Gk: innocent, holy: righteous] Lot [i.e., symbolically you and I; Lot was a fallen angel that was imputed for righteousness, born-again], vexed [Gk: labored down, wear (down) with toil (fig. harassed): oppressed] with the filthy conversation [Gk: behavior] of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed [Gk: was tortured: pained, tormented, tossed] his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) [exactly like today with their lies (the fake news media) and their unlawful deeds (politicians); coincidences of then and now??]

1.    (Dan 7:25) And he [the head of the composite body of antichrists, all unbelievers] shall speak great words against the most High [i.e., against evangelicals and churches], and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they [the saved saints] shall be given into his hand [Heb: power] until a time and times and the dividing of  time [3 ½ years of Great Tribulation, Satan’s Wrath, which is immediately forthcoming].

2.    (Rev 13:4-7) And they [unbelievers in Jesus Christ, antichrists] worshipped the dragon [Gk: (to look); a fabulous kind of serpent (supposed to fascinate)] [“the god of this world” 2 Cor 4:4] which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast [a], saying, [with great pride] Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him [unto the head of the composite antichrist beast] a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months [3 ½ years of Great Tribulation, Satan’s Wrath, which is immediately forthcoming]. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy [Gk: vilifications (espec. against God): evil speaking, railings] against God, to blaspheme [Gk: to vilify; espec. to speak impiously: defame, rail on, revile, speak evil of] his name, and his tabernacle [we who are redeemed fallen angels are His Tabernacle (tent)], and them [the always innocent angels] that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him [the head of the composite antichrist beast, all unbelivers] to make war with the saints, and to overcome [Gk: subdue: conquer, prevail, get the victory] them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

a.     (Eccl 3:18) I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men [women are a biblical derivative of men], that God might manifest [in/to] them, and that they might see that they themselves [i.e., men] are beasts.
