03-15-20 This message may be
viewed live streaming video at youtube.com and tabernacleofmoses.org
Sunday at 11:00 am, and repeated 24/7 thereafter. The video, audio, and
notes are archived.
God is Thought. The brightness
of our revelations depends upon the correctness of our
doctrines, our building blocks, our Godly Thoughts laid
one upon
another, ascending into the mind of Christ.
91:1,2) He that dwelleth in the
secret place [Heb: covering] of
the most High shall abide [live]
under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge [Heb:
shelter] [cover of protection] and my fortress
[Heb: castle, strong hold]: my God;
in him will I trust
[Heb: be confident or sure] [1].
13:5,6) Let
your conversation [life-style]
without covetousness [Gk: not greedy
of filthy lucre /// fond of silver (money)]; and be content [Gk:
satisfied: sufficient] with such
things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee,
nor forsake [Gk: desert] thee.
So that we may boldly say, The Lord is
my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Tim 6:6) But
godliness with contentment is great gain.
91:3,4) Surely he shall deliver [Heb:
rescue] thee from the snare [Heb:
to spread a net] of the fowler
[a catcher, trapper], and
from the noisome [Heb: rushing
calamity] [1] pestilence [2]
[i.e., coronavirus]. He shall cover
[Heb: protect: defend] thee
with his feathers, and
under his wings [God has “eagles’
wings” Exo 19:4] shalt thou trust:
his truth shall be thy
shield and buckler.
= Dict: 1.
injurious to health; harmful. 2. having a bad odor; foul-smelling.
= Dict: 1. any virulent or fatal contagious or infectious disease, esp.
one of
epidemic proportions, as bubonic plague.
(Psa 91:5,6) Thou shalt
not be afraid for the terror [Heb: dreadful
fear, great fear /// make to shake] by night [that one
cannot see]; nor for the arrow [guided nuclear missiles] that flieth
by day; (Psa
91:6) Nor for the pestilence
[a fatal contagious disease]
that walketh [a diseased
people walking] in darkness; nor
for the destruction [Heb: ruin]
that wasteth [Heb: to swell up] at
noonday [the hottest part of day].
91:7,8) A thousand shall fall [Heb:
die, rot, be slain] at thy side, and ten thousand
[Heb: an abundance: many millions] at
thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh
thee. Only
with thine eyes [How is that
possible? Answer: we who are saved were, previous to this,
“raptured”] shalt thou behold [Heb:
look intently at: consider] and see the reward of
the wicked.
91:9-11) Because thou hast made the
LORD [Heb: Jehovah], which
is my refuge [Heb:
shelter], even the most High
[Heb: supreme], thy
habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any
plague come nigh thy dwelling [Heb: tent,
home]. For he
shall give his angels [Heb:
messengers] charge over thee [How?
Through the Bible that leads us and guides us as our moral compass], to keep [Heb: hedge, guard;
protect] thee
in all thy [Godly] ways [Heb: a road; fig. a course of life or mode of action].
34:7) The angel [Heb:
messenger] of the
LORD encampeth
round about them that fear him [Heb: that are morally
reverent] [i.e., fear the LORD], and delivereth [Heb: equips (for fight),
strengthens: arms, armed (soldier), prepares] them.
Cor 10:4-6)
(For the weapons of our warfare are
not carnal [Gk:
fleshly], but mighty through God to
the pulling down [Gk:
demolition; fig. extinction: destruction] of strong
holds [Gk:
fortifications; castles, fig. arguments];) Casting
down [by
the corrective Bible (by the Words of God)]
imaginations [Gk: conceits], and every
high thing that exalteth
itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into
captivity every
thought [fallen angel, unclean
spirit, devil, (demon) contrary to God]
to the obedience of Christ; And having in [Gk:
in position] a
readiness [Gk: being prepared] to
revenge all disobedience, when your
obedience is fulfilled [Gk:
accomplished, complete, perfect].
91:12-13) They [the angel messengers] shall
bear thee up [upward] in their
hands [Heb: power], lest thou dash [Heb: stumble] thy foot
against a stone [and fall down
(backslide)]. Thou shalt tread
upon [have victory over] the
lion [the loud and mighty] and
adder [the quiet and deadly]: the young
lion and the [old] dragon shalt thou trample
under feet.
91:14-16) Because he [the believer] hath set his love [Heb:
to cling, join, delight in] upon
me, therefore will I deliver him [Heb:
cause to escape, carry away safe]: I will set him on
[Heb: make lofty, inaccessible; safe, strong], because
he hath known [Heb:
recognized: acknowledged, perceived, understood] my
name [Jesus Christ,
shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble [Heb:
adversity, affliction, distress,
tribulation]; I will deliver him,
and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and
him [Heb: see: discern, have the
experience of] my salvation.