SAMSON: the son of man
Samson is the complete narrative of the transitory earthly life of “the son
of man” beginning from his born again, holy, caterpillar stage and concluding
with his butterfly stage. This world is his/our cocoon. Therein, Samson is a
composite archetypical representation of all individual Christians beginning
from the moment of our salvation, our being born again holy, represented by
Samson’s birth as a Nazarite, and forward in our then still predominately
carnal sinful nature, a dual-natured, i.e. Jerusalem, holy sinner. The saints of
Heaven are being inexorably drawn upward through the clinging womb of this world
toward God, while at the same time they are experiencing a lifetime of the
throes of the new birth process, the violent spasms, pangs and convulsions of
being transformed (Rom 12:2) from “the sons of man” culminating in our final
emergence from the womb as the “the Sons of God.” The latter two
appellations may function as bookends, by analogy respectively, the heel and the
head of the Body of Christ. Each of us has a personal book chronicling our life
neatly stacked up within this vast holy library of born again saints, forming as
it were a ladder to Heaven (Gen 28:12). Samson's extraordinarily strong carnal
nature and physical strength may be readily observed by the sin patterns of his
lifeline experiences set forth by the Narrator as signs and symbols for the
purposes of our education and enlightenment, whereas the strength of his even
more powerful spiritual nature remains unobserved and deeply hidden until the
end of his life. Samson's personal pathway to God is a very broad road sided by
encompassing extremes, within which each of our own less extreme, more
conservative pathways to God may be found. Samson personifies our transformation
from "the son of man" into "the Son of God," a birthing
process. God is the Father; the Holy Spirit is the midwife; and we are the
children of God becoming the mature adult Sons of God - mighty men of valour (Judg 6:12).